Kaden + Jolene

May 11, 2024

Kaden + Jolene

May 11, 2024

Our Story

Across the Room

Picture of Across the Room
Kaden and Jolene Met April of 2023, at their mutual friends wedding in Yreka California. They seemed to hit it off right away, especially when Jolene couldn’t seem to let go of his arm walking down the isle.

First Date & Endless Phone-calls

Picture of First Date & Endless Phone-calls
After the wedding Kaden and Jolene continued their conversations, for a couple weeks. Intentions were clear as Kaden booked flights straight back to California only two weeks after the wedding. He had his mind set on a first date. 21 days after they met, they were dating. Many hours of FaceTimes and phone calls continued after. As long distance wasn’t about to slow them down in getting to know each other!

Many Adventures

Picture of Many Adventures

Flights to Alaska, North Dakota, California and Texas commenced as they got to know one another better. Plans were formed for the future but nothing was set in stone. They dreamed about what could be, but little did Jolene know what surprise Kaden had in store for her.

Adventures Together Forever

Picture of Adventures Together Forever

After driving through the night Kaden surprised Jolene and proposed on the McConnell ranch. Plans were made and everything fell into place for them to be married. They are excited for the what life will bring in the future! Alaska bound for the summer they will start married life up in the great north.